Saturday, September 5, 2009

Poco's Dumb, TOU, and our neighbors

Warning: Graphic material ahead!
(You want to keep going, don't you?)

Tyler was roping the Buford (fake fiberglass mechanical steer that runs in a circle), and Poco ran right into the dang thing. He got caught up on a bolt that just ripped his skin off and it was hanging there. This is how he looked after the vet cut the skin off. Tyler has to clean it every day, but there is no dressing on it. He says he'll be okay to ride in eight days! The skin on the upper part of the wound isn't even attached and you can stick your hand up in it. Owen can't talk about anything else and he was there when it happened and apparently heard an earfull. He just keeps telling everyone that "Poco's dumb," and he will re-enact the entire scene for you.

That's me kicking the blue shirt guy's butt in the TOU half-marathon. My friend Laura and I ran it this year, my time was 1:45:54 I beat my time last year by 5 minutes, which I was pretty happy about. But I wasn't prepared for how much it hurt (during and after). Just think what 13.1 more miles would feel like. If you click on the picture you need to look at the guy in the black shirt on the right, really, it's worth it.

Anna says, "So here's the plan, no one's looking and I'm sure Kerrilee's got Otter Pops. You got your rope in case there's trouble?"

"Hold my hand and try to look cute, quick, I think I see Steve in the garage."

"Owen, don't worry about cars, just run! "

Note: I did stop them before the road, this time. But there have been a few other documented occasions that they have slipped by us with and without the help of older siblings to visit the beloved neighbors, who bear all kinds of frozen treats and toenail polish.