Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Big Three O!

Here's a little of what we've been up to the last couple of weeks:

Underwear modeling,

braving the weather to get in some jumping,

Owen and Anna like to rock and kiss each other,
oh, and I turned thirty. I remember when I thought forty was old, well I think it is sounding younger and younger. Tyler went on an overnighter with his YM, so we went for ice cream with my parents. Earlier that day my friends and I took our kids to Casper's also, so I got a day full of ice cream, I'll take that any day over cake. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. George Weekend

Here's how we spent our weekend. Look good to anyone? Well, we had to drive 6 hours to feel this warm sunshine and we didn't stay long, but it was worth it. Tyler called me on Friday afternoon about 2 and asked me if I wanted to go to St. George for the weekend, I, of course signed on and we left our home about 6 pm for warmer weather. It's funny what snow will do to a person.

Owen flexing his muscles and Paige and Weston couldn't get enough pool time.

Our pool honeys, Anna prefers this spot over the water, or even standing in general.

A quick stop at the temple to run on the green grass.

A little rock climbing and a picture at the hotel. We had a great time, but the twins were so glad to get home. They just ran laps around the house when we got home Sunday night and giggled.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Temple Night, Hair Blogs, and Primary

My sister Tiffany went to the temple last weekend and Tyler was roping so I watched all the kids. It wasn't too bad since she bought little presents, (treats, popcorn, a movie) and wrapped them up, then the kids got to open them up every fifteen minutes. Aunt Tiffy thinks of everything. Time just flew by and Zella really wasn't that unhappy all night, but she does love to be held.

I recently discovered hair blogs, these are blogs dedicated solely to Mom's doing their daughters' gorgeous hair in creative and sometimes weird ways, but I love them. Here is the first experiment that I am rather proud of, Paige wore it to church today. Keep reading to find out how sassy it made her. Oh, and apparently she is the perfect height for singeing her hair on our propane wall heater, because she did it again tonight on one side and the braid saved us, except for one little spot.

Getting ready for church began with the hair, didn't take too long. Ahhh, but them came the dress, she wanted the pink one, but the only tights I could find were the ones that sag on the ankles(bad ugly) and I can't handle them. I told her I would get her some decent tights this week and today she would have to wear a green dress. Well, that wasn't the right answer, she HATES green apparently. You see in Primary if there is extra time they let the kids share "Good News", and she told me that today she was going to say that she hated green for her good news. Fine by me...little did I know what she would actually come up with. She got me back.
After church a Primary teacher told me to ask Paige what she shared about her dad. They were talking about Dad's and they asked Paige to come up and tell something she liked about her dad, here is what she shared, "My dad likes to fight with my mom." Nice! I got this from multiple adult sources so it is pretty accurate, and Weston told us that everybody laughed especially the teachers. I was not amused, and I told her that if she cannot share anything nice then she can't share anything in the microphone at all anymore. (This is not our first time being laughed at, and I am afraid our kids will start doing stand-up at our expense for a good laugh, it could get really embarrassing) I sent her to sit on her bed after church and I went up a little later to find her praying, she said, "Please help me to be nice to my family, and please help me to be a nice girl."
P.S. Honest, we do not fight that much.

Here's Owen tonight going to bed, he loves bedtime. No lie, he is holding six binkies and it gives me warm fuzzies. He loves them.