Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bird Season and Wrestling

Here's what we've been up to:
Weston wrestled again this year, he loves it. He takes it so seriously, if you can't tell. He comes home and practices moves on Owen (wonder if that is why Owen is the tyrant in nursery). He did really well this year, he is such a lightweight though, they usually have a hard time pairing him with second graders.

Opening day of the pheasant hunt, do you think Owen is enjoying that bird? Later he chased the girls and the neighbor with it.

Anna loves, and I mean loves, tank tops. She always lets me know that they are immodest, but so cute. "Aren't those girls with immodest clothes on so cute Mom?" Today she went with tank top over the cable cardigan, puffy look.

This is the update on our house, it does have trusses and mounds of snow since this picture. Why is it so hard to drive a block and take a picture?

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Creepy Girl in the Corner

How would you like to see this in the corner of your eye when brushing your teeth? This head has scared me more times than I can count since that fateful Christmas she joined our family. I swear the girls must know just how to place her, so that when one enters a room, she almost sneaks up on you!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

Our annual Pumpkin Carving FHE took place last night. I hate cleaning up after the event, but I love carving pumpkins. Just ask my husband, I am much better at it than he is.

They were really excited!

Dad's pumpkin, what a whopper.

This is Paige's practice notebook for piano, it just cracks me up because I have found she spends a lot of her time decorating her notebook with her name in bubble letters, instead of practicing. Oh well, it is always good to have someone in the family who is good at bubble letters, what if we need to make a sign or something.
My lack of blogging is due to the new house that we are building. I am always so busy down at the new house that I haven't taken any pictures of it. But, I have taken pictures of the injuries sustained so far. We now have the footings and foundation done and these injuries took place the day we poured the foundation. I cut my hand open trying to cut re-bar, which it ended up looking pretty lame compared to the burns Tyler got during the cement pouring. We began pouring at about 5 in the afternoon and had a blowout in a corner, as it was getting dark on us also. Tyler had to stand in cement for a little too long and only had on jeans, shoes and socks; not rubber boots. The lime in the cement burnt him pretty badly in the hour time he was in it. These pictures show how it looks over the course of about 10 days. He got a staph infection in the worst ankle and had to be on antibiotics. He is still wrapping them and applying ointment every day. Yet, he has only ever complained once of any discomfort and that was from standing on them too long. Hopefully we don't have too many more of these things happen, or building our own home isn't going to save us much money.

Paige turns 6!

Paige turned 6 years old this month! She got a new CD player and CD's for her birthday, and some new dancing gear. She loves music and dancing, now she can jam out to Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana in her room.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mishaps, and school starts.

On Sunday, Owen was jumping off the computer chair, not anything new. But this time he hurt his arm pretty bad and cried for about an hour until he went to sleep. When he woke up he played fine, but just took it easy and didn't use his left arm much. We kept watching it and finally decided his arm was fevering and he really wasn't going to use it. So, on Tuesday we took him in to get an x-ray. Lo, and behold, it was broken. So they fitted him with a splint at the surgeon's office and said that was what they like to do instead of casts. I didn't like it, we got home and he went upstairs and took it off and came back down to tell me it was all better. It has now been a week and he has left it on really good and it doesn't get stinky. We'll see next week if it is healing well and go from there. But when people ask him what happened, Anna always pipes in and speaks for him.

First day of school. Weston started 2nd grade with Mrs. Thompson and Paige began Kindergarten and has Miss Shelton. She has been most excited though, about the bus ride.

She and her cousin Hali at the bus stop.

I woke up one morning to find Owen out back feeding the horses and had to run out and snap a picture.

To my delight the kids got in superhero suits and played the other day. Weston used to love to dress up and play, but now he is gettting older, so when he did this I was so excited. Aren't they Super?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Re-cap of July

Since July is our busiest month, I take the most pictures...hence this post. If you don't have a lot of time right now, you might need to look at this post later.

The Godfrey family took our annual vacation, this year to Twin Lakes. We played so hard it took me three days to catch back up on sleep. We had a good time!

The Don Godfrey reunion included watermelon busting and Weston as the KING! A major slip and slide with dish detergent, train rides and an afternoon of catching up.

Hyde Park Founder's Day Parade, after we went to my mom's for lunch and some sliding. What else is there to do when it is this hot.

Swimming lessons was also packed into July, well worth it, but we're glad to be done.

Last, but not least, my older brother, Mitch, got married in June. Heather is a the best and we are so glad to have her.