Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bird Season and Wrestling

Here's what we've been up to:
Weston wrestled again this year, he loves it. He takes it so seriously, if you can't tell. He comes home and practices moves on Owen (wonder if that is why Owen is the tyrant in nursery). He did really well this year, he is such a lightweight though, they usually have a hard time pairing him with second graders.

Opening day of the pheasant hunt, do you think Owen is enjoying that bird? Later he chased the girls and the neighbor with it.

Anna loves, and I mean loves, tank tops. She always lets me know that they are immodest, but so cute. "Aren't those girls with immodest clothes on so cute Mom?" Today she went with tank top over the cable cardigan, puffy look.

This is the update on our house, it does have trusses and mounds of snow since this picture. Why is it so hard to drive a block and take a picture?