Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

Our annual Pumpkin Carving FHE took place last night. I hate cleaning up after the event, but I love carving pumpkins. Just ask my husband, I am much better at it than he is.

They were really excited!

Dad's pumpkin, what a whopper.

This is Paige's practice notebook for piano, it just cracks me up because I have found she spends a lot of her time decorating her notebook with her name in bubble letters, instead of practicing. Oh well, it is always good to have someone in the family who is good at bubble letters, what if we need to make a sign or something.
My lack of blogging is due to the new house that we are building. I am always so busy down at the new house that I haven't taken any pictures of it. But, I have taken pictures of the injuries sustained so far. We now have the footings and foundation done and these injuries took place the day we poured the foundation. I cut my hand open trying to cut re-bar, which it ended up looking pretty lame compared to the burns Tyler got during the cement pouring. We began pouring at about 5 in the afternoon and had a blowout in a corner, as it was getting dark on us also. Tyler had to stand in cement for a little too long and only had on jeans, shoes and socks; not rubber boots. The lime in the cement burnt him pretty badly in the hour time he was in it. These pictures show how it looks over the course of about 10 days. He got a staph infection in the worst ankle and had to be on antibiotics. He is still wrapping them and applying ointment every day. Yet, he has only ever complained once of any discomfort and that was from standing on them too long. Hopefully we don't have too many more of these things happen, or building our own home isn't going to save us much money.

Paige turns 6!

Paige turned 6 years old this month! She got a new CD player and CD's for her birthday, and some new dancing gear. She loves music and dancing, now she can jam out to Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana in her room.