Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sick and Tired of Being...Sick!

There is not much peace around here lately if the babies are awake. They are both feeling pretty crappy and require being held nearly every waking moment. I was sitting on the couch trying to feed Owen this afternoon when I looked over and noticed Paige covering her ears (sort of) , I said her name and she didn't respond because she was asleep. She got tired of listening to Owen yell at me and covered her ears, then fell asleep--poor girl.

Owen and Anna enjoying some playtime together.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Four things about me that you may or may not have known, in no particular order. The directions are at the end.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. "S" hooks, (starting at age 11 or 12 my mom always found us jobs--it was good for us, we would stamp crimps and hooks onto bungee cords with a big machine that was run with a manual foot pedal, they held seat covers on--at $5.00 an hour I was a rich middle schooler and all my siblings and I fought over the machine.)
2. Sweeper (worked at a school vacuuming and cleaning and mowing from age 14-22)
3. Babysitter of Allie Wallentine (helped put me through college, they were really good to me)
4. 6th grade language arts teacher ( I think that should be capitalized, but we better ask a teacher:)

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Sabrina
2. How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
3. Napoleon Dynamite
4. Disney's Robin Hood

Four places you have lived:
1. Hyde Park, Utah
2. Smithfield, Utah
3. Clarkston, Utah
4. I don't have four, that's lame!

Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. American Gladiators (mostly to see Weston's excitement and The Wolf--oh, Helga too)
2. Biggest Loser
3. The Office
4. Reba (sad but true--that show is dang funny)

Four places you have been:
1. Hawaii- (twice! Emily is there right now, jealousy.)
2. Las Vegas
3. Yellowstone
4. Lake Powell

People who email me (regularly):
1. Megan P.
2. Emily
3. Megan B.
4. Shalet

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Dr. Pepper (does pop count?)
2. Ice Cream
3. Sloppy Joes
4. Any good bread

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. With my family in a cozy, warm cabin
2. A warm bathtub
3. Disneyland (never been, but would like to take my family)
4. Out to dinner

Four friends I think will respond:
1. Emily
2. Jill
3. Cami
4. Shalet

Things you are looking forward to this year:
1. Running outside (hopefully I can do it without my running coach, Megan)
2. The twins walking and talking.
3. Turning the furnace off and playing outside without coats and runny noses.
4. Getting a trailer and going camping a lot.

Now, I tag Jill, Cami, Mindy, Emily, Shalet, Megan K., and Marlaina. Answer all these honestly and tag whoever else you would like to, keep it going!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Doctor Visit

We went to the doctor today and got shots, I know that it isn't that exciting but people have been asking me how much they weigh and I never know. This way I won't have to remember.(And I kind of love posting, I have to control myself so you won't be too bored of us.)
Owen weighed 17 lbs. 11oz.-- 60%
Anna weighed 16 lbs. 14 oz.--70%
They were both in the 85% for their height. They are growing like weeds, fat weeds.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two Smiles At Once????

We went to Kiddie Kandids on Tuesday and got the lamest girl possible. The only reason we got these semi-decent pictures is because the manager came over and helped her. We will be requesting a photographer from now on. It is not worth the effort to get your kids ready if you get someone like "Megan" (if you ever get her, run).

I loved Anna's face in this picture.

This is what Weston did for me this morning, he asked me if he could rock the babies to sleep so I gave him one at a time and he got them both to sleep for me. What a great helper, as long as he can watch his new favorite show Brant let him borrow, "Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers" some of you may remember watching these after school when you were a kid, sadly enough I remember every episode.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Best Friends

Emily, Amanda, and Me.
We all met at Emily's parents home last week to catch up, we could have talked for 8 more hours. It was so much fun and congratulations to Amanda who is getting married in May! (Amanda is holding Emily's little boy Ben, he is one month older than the twins.)

A Long, Cold Winter

Getting ready to go do chores with Dad, I'm glad these two will brave sub-zero temps because I am too wimpy to even go out and throw a bale to the horses. Tyler always gives me a hard time because I am so weak and I used to go feed cows all through the winter and loved it
--I am wimpy.
(I think Tyler is getting used to blogging because and maybe he secretly
likes it because he was willing to pose for once:)

Paige loves listening to my shuffle, she even tries to dance a little (emphasis on try).

We think she's pretty cute.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Big Trouble

They know they must not be in too much trouble if I grab the
camera before making them clean up the mess.

Here is what happens the day after you make an appointment for pictures. We were all on our bed upstairs with toys everywhere, Owen was laying down and we didn't notice Paige with the shape sorting bucket on her head. The next thing we knew it fell off her head while she was standing up and landed behind her, on Owen's eye, boy did he holler.

The night just kept getting more hectic and I got Owen dressed for bed without thinking. Isn't he a beauty? When they were teeny and I used to do this I would be so tired I would just leave it, but I did change him into his blue one after we had a good laugh, right along with him.