Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Bald Eagle

I was driving into my driveway when I saw the most enormous wing-span I had ever seen flying over my head. I watched as the bird landed in my tree, and I ran to get my camera. I had to go back and get a stronger lens because it was so high up and I had to get a good shot so that Tyler would believe me. It turned out to be a bald eagle, it is not all the way mature yet though, that is why there is still some brown on it's head and specks on his chest. Isn't it beautiful? I hope he comes back.

This is a picture of a magpie next to it, so you can see how big it was.
Oh, one more thing--we got new swimsuits! These poses stem from Aunt Tiffany who loves the show "Toddlers and Tiaras". She records them and Paige likes to watch them. The first one is "pretty feet, and pop toe!" Very sassy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monthly Update

I guess I only update monthly now: Here goes...

Anna got a new haircut and looks so old, and her eyes are even bigger now!

Shake hands, ready........WRESTLE!

Still friends after.

Paige found a good way to warm up her toes.

Hopping everywhere.

Lots and lots of snow.