Sunday, April 27, 2008

Captain Soccer

Weston loves soccer, in this first picture he is checking out his own shadow while he runs. I do the same thing sometimes, just to see if my shadow looks fast. It usually doesn't. Can you tell who the 5 year olds are, and who the six year olds are in the second picture? Weston never loses track of the score in a game, and he calls their best player Captain. Their team is so fun to watch because they always congratulate one another when they score and Weston's cousin Adri (with the long dark ponytail) will pick him up when he scores and when he falls down. I wish we could go watch his games all year long because I love it too.

These are just a few random pictures I decided to post because I just plain take too many. When you have been cooped up in a house for 10 months, you must think everything is cute and photograph worthy. I always say it is better to take too many, than not enough.

Some brotherly love!! Paige was really excited about her mohawk!

I was posting this picture of the twins when Tyler looked over my shoulder and said it looked like the one of Weston and Paige so I had to add this one next to it. A lady at the grocery store the other day asked me if I had two sets of twins, looking at these shots it would appear that way.

Worn out after church, thank goodness for Grandma Jaydene and all the help she gives us for those three straight hours. She lets Tyler off pretty easy, or is that me.

Friday, April 25, 2008

TV Converter Box Coupon

My friend Emily is always up on everything! She told me about a website to get coupons from the government to buy a TV Converter Box Coupon for when they end analog broadcasts. They are worth $45.00 a piece and you can get two of them per household. Worth checking out! Just click on this link below.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Has... Almost Sprung

Weston has found the sweet spot to kill box elder bugs or as his grandma calls them, "firebugs".
He and Brant also have had a good time on Brant's new four-wheeler. Looks like trouble, doesn't it? Why is my grass the brownest in town?

Weston sat outside and filled my card up on my camera taking pictures of his dad riding. He wanted to stay out there alone and snap away, but I wanted my camera to still work when he was done.

Owen thought it was so funny to eat Paige's toes, hopefully he doesn't keep this up in the summer when they are nasty dirty. This other picture looks strange but was so funny, I was in the other room and heard Paige saying, "It's okay, Momma's here," over and over. This is what I found when I went in the living room. Anna liked it at first, but started getting mad by the time I got the camera.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

On the Road

We spent some time at my sister Megan's house in Idaho this week. It was a very quick trip so Tyler and I could attend a viewing. The kids love to see Xander and had so much fun playing. The babies loved to pull up to the low window and pound on the glass.

Anna and Owen loved to explore a new place, Megan said they would make laps around the house. My brother-in-law Brandon owns nearly every He-Man figurine ever made so they got those out for Weston and he watched old He-Man episodes. "I have the POWER!" He loved every minute of it and when we got home he said, "Mom, that was a great vacation!" Apparently we don't get out much because I think we were gone for a total of 19 hours. We all had a great time visiting and eating some great food, courtesy of our hostess. Thanks Meg!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Double Wide

Tyler and I are in training for the Ward Biathalon. You heard me right! My marathon-running sister-in-law is on the Activities Committee and suggested it as a way for families to train and spend time together. It is only a 3 mile bike and a 1 mile run, but I think it is a great idea. Although it is quite an ordeal to load everyone in and go running, I love having Tyler come with me. (And I do make him push the heavy stroller.)

SCORE: Owen Two--Mom Zero

So Owen has now made it to the landing and
even up the second flight of stairs without me
knowing. He thinks it is soooo funny, and it
kind of is just because he hasn't fallen...yet.
We are trying to keep the stairs blocked, but
being mobile, they are definitely hard to keep
up with. We didn't have the upstair finished with
Weston and Paige so there were no stairs to
worry about. Luckily the bottom is as far as
Anna has gotten.