Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ward Talent Show

Some fine ladies and I participated in the Ward Talent Show recently. Tyler was pretty worried about the whole thing, he just knew he was going to be embarrassed. But, these remarkable cows/heifers, pulled through and were pretty dang amazing. I think our dance was the best and I would have video to prove it if my husband hadn't pushed pause for the entire performance. (No hard feelings, he only has to video something once every 3-4 years, I don't feel like he let me down at all.) We really do know how to shake our udders, whether that is appropriate for church activities or not.
Weston is playing soccer this year and I thought he could use the same cleats from last year. He complained that his toes were sore after the first game. So, I of course told him I would get him some new cleats when I went to Logan that week. Well, I forgot for the next two games and then in the tub he told me his toenail was blue, but that it didn't hurt too much. What a great Mom I am, needless to say, he got new cleats the next day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

And now it's April....

We have been busy with Easter egg hunts, wishing for warm weather, and a wedding. This is a post of few words and many pictures.

It's amazing how many fingers go straight to the nose when it is picture time.

Tyler's youngest brother Jeremy and Heather were married this month. They had a beautiful wedding, and we are so excited to have her join our family.