Tuesday, September 30, 2008


-Link the person who tagged you
-List 6 of your quirks
-Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them
-List the rules on your blog

I don't want to go to bed tonight so since Niki tagged me I thought I would give this a try.

1. This is definitely number one, I have a slight obsessive/compulsive disorder with the number 4 or it's multiples, mainly 16, 24, or 32. I have, ever since I can remember counted stairs and steps in between sidewalk lines. I have to do it in multiples of 4, but if it isn't possible then I need to end with my left foot on the even number. I hope I don't lose you here, but it really isn't as complicated as it sounds. For example, my parents steps are 7 and 7, but if I take two on the landing I have always been able to make it to 16. Our stairs here are 8 and 9 so one step on the landing puts me at 18, which is okay because it is an even number. I don't do this as much as I used to because I run out of time and can't go back and redo steps like I used to, but I do still make sure the radio volume is on a multiple of 4. This can wear on a person, but I am working through it:)

2. This one is not as therapy worthy; all my children have to have hair done for Logan trips. I cannot stand to go without it done and it has become a lot more tricky with four children, one of which pulls everything out. I usually worry about my own last, and usually think a ponytail is sufficient.

3. I think I have hand washed dishes everyday of my entire life since I was 7. I still do not have a dishwasher and never thought that I would still be filling the sink with hot water and Dawn as I approached the ripe old age of 30.

4. I hate being tickled so, so, so bad. Tyler has the strongest hands in the world and when he sits on me and pins my arms over my head and tickles I lose all control of my limbs and vocal chords. Even if there is a child near me, I cannot keep my flailing arms and legs from whacking them. I have suggested that if he has to tickle me, he use 1/2 strength in his fingers so it feels more laughable instead of torture like.

5. I secretly wish we were a totally independent family. I would love to heat with a wood burning stove, install solar panels and a windmill, own a milk cow, make our own butter, and can everything we would grow ourselves. Yet, still go out to dinner once a week.

6. Just a complaint for my last one. During the winter we eat a lot of potatoes, it is kind of our staple food. Well, it is now official, I have 4 children that all hate potatoes and I blame Weston. He has pulled them all to his potato-hating side. It doesn't matter how I fix them, Tyler and I spend a half hour counting to three and forcing our children to take bites, which gets us absolutely nowhere with the twins. This will be a long winter since I have about 150 pounds of them sitting downstairs.

I tag:

Amanda (so you will update)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mom Jeans

Do you think you look like a Mom? Maybe you need a pair of these.
Just click on this link below.

Monday, September 15, 2008


We found three monarch caterpillars and have been watching them for weeks now. We finally hatched two of them and let them go this past week. Weston and Paige check on them multiple times a day, and have been fascinated by them. I just can't believe that the twins haven't found a way to climb up and destroy them yet, they have done it to everything else around here.
Oh, and for all of you North Cache Alumni out there, there was a letter to the editor by Ron the Rapist Hellstern requesting us to call his classes so they can tag the butterflies and document their patterns or some junk, well, get real you creep, you can just take your tags elsewhere. You plant some more milkweed in your backyard if you want to help their populations, but leave those you have forever scarred from our junior high experiences with you alone.
Sorry, just a little rant on my least favorite teacher of all time who always acts like he is saving the world. I'll bet he's voting for Barack.

The best of friends and the best of enemies.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hair, to Some it is Given...

Here is a shot of the Owen before the long overdue haircut. I love his long faux hawk and it was hard for me to cut it, but now it is shorter, I will just grow it out again because it is the hairdo that agrees most with his cowlicks.

Anna is seen here combing her beautiful locks, or lack there of. When is this girl going to get some hair!

Paige's Big Day

Paige has been ready for preschool since she was 2 years old. It is finally here and she couldn't be happier. She asks me every night if there is preschool tomorrow and she also prays that she will "be a good girl at preschool" every night. One Mom in town told her to sit by her son on the first day of preschool because he was a little shy. Well, she didn't forget and she made sure to sit by him so he wouldn't be scared. She is such a helpful girl, the babies and I sure do miss her when she is at school.

Paige and her cousin Kennadee. (Paige really struggles with looking at the camera if you haven't noticed.)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Weston's First Day of School

Last week was Weston's first day of Kindergarten! Now, as I have read some blogs and talked to people, a lot of Mom's out there are very saddened by the idea of their first child going to school, I, on the other hand am so excited. It may be the fact that I have plenty more children at home to keep me busy, or just the fact that he was sooooo ready to go. I asked him if he wanted me to drive him to school the first day and he said no, he wanted to ride the bus. Tyler asked if he could come up to the bus stop with us because he is sad that Weston is big enough to go to school. Weston didn't even notice us there though, as you will see in the pictures--they sure do grow up too fast.

He wouldn't walk with us up to the bus stop because he was either too excited, or embarrassed of us already!

His cousin Brant, and our neighbor.

Brant and Weston talking things over, you can see our shadows as we just stood there and watched him, he was an instant pro at the bus stop.

The kids running to catch the bus. Because of construction next to their stop they had to run up the road to get on the bus, so this is the best shot I got of him--not even a goodbye! This kid is ready to go to school.

5 hours later...
When he got home, he looked miserable as he got off the bus. The ride was extra long because it is the first day and because we live so far out here. So, he was on the bus for over an hour and a half, he was starving and "so bored" by the time he got home. He only wanted to go to school every other day. But, the next day was better on the bus and if I have lunch ready for him immediately when he gets home he is much happier. My mother-in-law tells me Tyler was the exact same way, grouchy until he was fed, and he even ate the same thing, 2 peanut butter sandwiches every day after Kindergarten.