Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

Our annual Pumpkin Carving FHE took place last night. I hate cleaning up after the event, but I love carving pumpkins. Just ask my husband, I am much better at it than he is.

They were really excited!

Dad's pumpkin, what a whopper.

This is Paige's practice notebook for piano, it just cracks me up because I have found she spends a lot of her time decorating her notebook with her name in bubble letters, instead of practicing. Oh well, it is always good to have someone in the family who is good at bubble letters, what if we need to make a sign or something.


Jill said...

love the pictures. ty was a ham and a half!

The Bucks said...

She must get her bubble letter skills from you. I remember you were always the best at them. I agree that cleaning up after doing pumpkins is the worst!