Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Last couple of weeks...

Tyler likes to make sure Weston rides a sheep whenever possible to practice up for the rodeo.

We helped the Wallentines round-up, brand, and vaccinate the cattle. Owen was so excited and talked non-stop about it beforehand. He was pretty scared of the whole situation once he got there and took it all in. Now that it is over he keeps asking me when he can go and burn the cows again. He got a new hat and this is where I found it the first night. In his prayers, which, "he can do by himself", he usually prays, "Please bless that I can ride the horses." He stays pretty focused on what he likes.

We had a shower for Kirstin and the kids were plenty of help. Anna loves to be the center of the party and any open lap usually has her name on it.


Jill said...

Little O kills me. He is going to be a "real" cowboy one day.

camigodfrey said...

weston looks like a pro, he's ready to ride. i love the cow dance, you guys look awesome.

camigodfrey said...
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