Friday, July 30, 2010

Re-cap of July

Since July is our busiest month, I take the most pictures...hence this post. If you don't have a lot of time right now, you might need to look at this post later.

The Godfrey family took our annual vacation, this year to Twin Lakes. We played so hard it took me three days to catch back up on sleep. We had a good time!

The Don Godfrey reunion included watermelon busting and Weston as the KING! A major slip and slide with dish detergent, train rides and an afternoon of catching up.

Hyde Park Founder's Day Parade, after we went to my mom's for lunch and some sliding. What else is there to do when it is this hot.

Swimming lessons was also packed into July, well worth it, but we're glad to be done.

Last, but not least, my older brother, Mitch, got married in June. Heather is a the best and we are so glad to have her.


The Bucks said...

Nice wake-boarding form, you are super awesome! I love how skinny Weston's legs look strapped into those boots. Paige is also looking awesome and particularly ethnic.

Jill said...

Awesome pictures as usual. I love the twin lake pictures. so fun! let's go back.