Tuesday, April 7, 2009


These are the devil and I lack any self-control when they are in the house. My friend Laura gave me a bag of them, the big ones you get at Sam's Club (40 oz.) on Friday, and six days later-completely gone. Paige hates them, Weston ate a few, and the twins ate a handful. The honors go to me, and the roof of my mouth just healed.


Jill said...

moment on the lips lifetime on the hips.

you could have shared with me!

Bekka Wallentine said...

hahaha i love those little guys!! I agree...they really are the devil

camigodfrey said...

at least you can and still look absolutely amazing, good for you.

Megan said...

Oh PUH-LEASE! When you look for one second in your life like you ate too much chocolate...we can talk about you needing self control! Good for you, I say! You are definately running enough! I ran ten miles in the last two days! Are you proud of me? You wouldn't be if you knew how fast :(

Darin and Joanna said...

Amen sister....thank heavens easter is over!