Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Big Three O!

Here's a little of what we've been up to the last couple of weeks:

Underwear modeling,

braving the weather to get in some jumping,

Owen and Anna like to rock and kiss each other,
oh, and I turned thirty. I remember when I thought forty was old, well I think it is sounding younger and younger. Tyler went on an overnighter with his YM, so we went for ice cream with my parents. Earlier that day my friends and I took our kids to Casper's also, so I got a day full of ice cream, I'll take that any day over cake. Thanks.


The Bucks said...

I can't wait to get the hat that you made Xander. That picture of them on the tramp is top notch. Good job on their hats, matching them with their jackets and everything.
Your new haircut is cute and I'm jealous that you got to go to Cold Stone and Casper's all in the same day. I would have heartburn for a week after a birthday celebration like that!

Jill said...

you look so cute in that picture. I really like your short hair. maybe I should cut mine. . . or not. 30's not old.

madikay9 said...

Happy Birthday!!! I love the underwear modeling!!

Shalet said...

Happy Birthday. Your fam is adorable.