Thursday, June 11, 2009

Goings On

Just checking blogs late tonight because Tyler has gone to camp with the Priests and thought, "I wish I had something to post about." Lo, and behold, I checked the camera and I did have a few new goings on.

Paige (here with her cousins Kennadee and Grayson) graduated from preschool, she won't be headed to Kindergarten next year because she is too young, we may be playing school every day, or looking for other options to keep her busy.

We went to Weston's program and he did a great job of singing all the songs, and remembering his parts. It was fun to watch him graduate from Kindergarten.

When I typed that it reminded me of "The Incredibles" when Mr. Incredible is upset about going to Dash's graduation he says, (as close as I can remember) "It's not a graduation, he's moving from the 4th to the 5th grade, it's psychotic. They keep coming up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity."

I don't feel that way about seeing my kids move from one grade to another, I actually love seeing their programs, I just thought it sounded funny when I typed "graduated from Kindergarten", I don't remember ever graduating from anything until I was 18, that is all. Oh, and I watch a lot of kid movies that become a strange part of my everyday language. I definitely should read the scriptures more to try and make them a part of my recollection.

Anyway, after much rambling, we have been doing a lot of chores since school got out and I can't believe how the days are flying by when we stay busy. Even despite all the rain, here is some good help washing the truck.

And, I got a new kitchen table! Our first major furniture purchase ever and I love it. Only the day we got it home and put up, we called Tyler's brother over to help us lift it and turn it over. We should have waited and called more help because his brother dropped his end and the sound of wood cracking is something I will never forget. The wood underneath where the leg was screwed into, and another piece cracked. I was so devastated, all those hours of correcting and piano lessons... but I left the room and didn't cry. We got it fixed, glued and clamped for two days, and hopefully it is as good as new. I now just feel bad for his brother who lost sleep that night. It has eight chairs and two leafs that store inside it, so it extends to 122'', which doesn't even fit in our dining room. I told Tyler if we ever build a house I am designing it around our table so we have enough room to fit it.

I almost forgot to include the best reason for getting new furniture!


Megan said...

Beautiful table! I'm excited to see it. Our table broke on the edge when we got it and Joel glued and clamped it and we haven't ever had any problems. I love that you quote incredibles! It's my favorite!

Sara said...

You are turning into Laura!! Quoting movies all of the time! What am I going to do with you?! I don't know if I can handle TWO movie quoting friends...! :)jk. Your new table is BEAUTIFUL! I'm jealous! Looks like it's your turn for game night.

Jill said...

what a fun post! I love the picture of the 3 cousins. so cute. I only wish Allie could have had a graduation. I should have made a hate for her. poor girl. graduations are fun and make kids feel special. I can totally tell in the twins pictures that your camera is a nice one.
I LOVE your table!!! I"m so glad to hear it is fixed. I about said a swear word when my mom told me and it isn't even my table! It's beautiful. YOu just need to have a few more kids so you can use all the chairs. maybe only one pregnancy you could get twins again, you know the odds go up after having one set of twins. . . .
wow that was a long comment to someone I talk to every other day.
ps I thought you were going to teach me how to curl with a chi.

The Bucks said...

I love the table! It's a lot better than my Shirley one with the cigarette lighter burn in it, but free is free.

Nate & Emily said...

Hey Katie! Just checkin' in. Your kids look older! That's when you know I haven't seen you for a long time, you need new pictures taken, AND I no longer check peoples blogs. Anyway, it was fun looking through your old posts. Where does Anna get that curly hair? Your kids are as cute as can be. We should schedual a BBQ this summer. Do you want to come down here or we could come up to Dave and Judys. Email me with a few dates.