Thursday, June 25, 2009

Twins Turn Two!

Two-year old birthdays are so much more fun than the one-year old birthday. Anna and Owen turned two last week and we had a great time watching their faces light up at every single gift.
Make sure you click to see their faces over the new bikes from Grandma Pat and Grandpa Frank. (Death to anyone who tries to get on these bikes, especially an older brother and sister.)

Of course, apples from Grandma, and a new drill for Owen.

He's thinking about it......

...yeah, he's a probably the best T-ball player that I know.
Pony Express Days was on Saturday and Weston and I ran in the 1 mile and 3 mile races. Here is Weston and his cousin Adri neck and neck. I love the smiles even though they are dead tired. Every year he wants to do this and we train together once, for about half of a mile, and then he says he feels ready. He ran it in 9:29, so he did pretty darn good.

Here is the prize he caught, and she lays some mighty small eggs.


The Bucks said...

I wish we could have been there to see those priceless faces in person. Xander has that same T-Ball set, but it doesn't get played with much. Tell Weston that he looks super awesome running his race, you don't look that bad either. How did you talk Tyler into taking your picture? Brandon will be jealous of the chicken. He wants a flock so bad so that we don't have to buy eggs anymore.

Jill said...

Oh I love the running pictures. awesome camera! Weston's is great I love their faces. And can I just say I am jealous of your running legs. woo woo.

D,H,&E Cooper said...

I look forward to that b-day for my twins too As of now I'm enjoying the pleasures of being a milk cow for about 10 hours a day. Any advice on nursing?

angie curtis said...

I heard that chickens start out with small eggs at first and then then they get bigger. I have no idea how true it is, guess you will see.