Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monthly Update

I guess I only update monthly now: Here goes...

Anna got a new haircut and looks so old, and her eyes are even bigger now!

Shake hands, ready........WRESTLE!

Still friends after.

Paige found a good way to warm up her toes.

Hopping everywhere.

Lots and lots of snow.


Jill said...

oh my! I LOVE Anna's hair! So cute!

The Bucks said...

Brandon's wanted to know why your girls' hair is always cut in a bob. I told him because it's so stinkin' cute and he better get used to it because that's how our girl's hair will be , as well. I love it! I can't believe how much bigger Owen is than her. You guys need to come ans stay with us for a few days. We would have so much fun wrestling and playing in the snow!

angie curtis said...

It looks cute! Where did you find the awesome singlets (spelling?)

madikay9 said...

Anna's hair is way cute!!!!

camigodfrey said...

holy cow that haircut is so dang cute, im going to do that to gracie's when she gets enough and not let it grow out, since troy wont let me cut kennadee's hair, so cute!