Thursday, February 21, 2008

I went and picked up my Grandma in River Heights so she could spend the day with us last week. She is 98 years old and was only six months older than President Hinckley. Since his passing she has had a really hard time so anything to occupy her time helps. We loved having her here and Paige had a good time playing Barbies and tea party.

The best entertainer in the world is Grandma's headphones. Whether it be for the babies to play with, or for Weston and Paige to sing into. They don't think that Grandma can hear them unless they actually have their lips touching it. Maybe we better check that microphone for chunks before we take her home!


Megan and Jon said...

Grandma Great right? She is the cutest thing ever. I have some darling pictures of Goodma Goodey and her sitting about two inches apart talking at a baby blessing, I need to post them.

The Bucks said...

You are so nice to do that. It's a good thing you have lots of kids to entertain her. It looks like she had a lot of fun. I need to call her, I didn't know she was having a hard time lately. Xander really liked looking at these pictures.
I'm supposed to tell you that Brandon's boots are motorcycle boots, not cowboy boots.

Jill said...

Those are great pictures. Paige will love them later. I can just see Paige & Weston yelling into the microphone.

Jill said...

PS Love the new paper. You are born to be wild. you should get some motorcycle boots.

camigodfrey said...

that is great you and your kids got to spend time with grandma great, looks like paige had a ball. the new look is darling.