Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tag! Tyler is it.

This one was a lot of fun, this should count as my Valentine present.

Who eats more: Right now it is about equal, but when I’m not nursing or pregnant it’s Tyler, with the exception of treats. His mother taught never taught him ‘the more the better’.

Who said I love you first: Tyler, it took a while though. We said goodnight many times with “I like you a lot!”

Who is taller: Tyler is about 7 inches taller than me. Maybe that is why we only danced together at one Soc Hop.

Who is smarter: I used to be (or so I thought), but now it is definitely Tyler. When we were first married and he spent hours studying Math 0900, I never dreamed he would be conquering the stuff he did for his MBA. I am better at memorizing stuff for a test, he is better at learning and retaining things—especially every detail of Harry Potter!

Who does the laundry: Me (but it always takes me days, if he did it he would do a much better job-hint, hint).

Who does the dishes: Me. I think Tyler has done them, honestly, three times since we’ve been married. And no I do not have a dishwasher, I still use this thing that they use in the West Indies to let their dishes air dry called a dish drain:) (That’s for Matt)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: I do. But sometimes it’s Paige because she loves her daddy so much.

Who pays the bills: I do, even though I always beg the accountant to take over.

Who mows the lawn: Me, because I love to. I criticize too much if Tyler does it.

Who cooks dinner: Me., but if I decide to take a break Tyler will fix his usual without ever complaining—open face peanut butter and jam, very heavy on the peanut butter.

Who drives when you are together: Tyler most of the time now. I used to when he worked in Ogden because he got so tired of driving.

Who kissed who first: I can’t remember for sure, but when I asked Tyler he said, “I’m sure it was me.”

Who asked who out first: Tyler asked me out three times in high school all in the same week but never got a kiss so gave up. Then after his mission he asked me out while his girlfriend was busy cheering away at Dixie. We never quit dating after that. She never knew we were serious though until she learned through her sister that we were engaged.

Who proposed: Tyler did, he took me up on a hill above Clarkston, I know it has a name but I have lived here almost 7 years and don’t know them. Anyway, he told me he wanted to go hiking and look at the leaves. So we hiked straight up through the sagebrush and on our way I glanced back and saw him looking in his pocket like he was checking for something and kind of guessed what he was doing. He still claims I never knew, but I did. He did the best job picking out my ring though—it was all him and I love it.

Who has more siblings: Tyler, he has 6 and I have 5.

Who wears the pants in our family: I would like to think it is equal, but Tyler is more sensible. Oh, but I did win with getting a van—yeah!

What have I left out: Tyler is great at fixing about anything, from this entire house to automobile issues. He is very handy. He is hands-down the favorite parent no matter how hard I try, and he loves it. He and Paige used to hold hands while they ate dinner. I got to be the favorite of Paige for a brief stint and Anna likes me best for now, but in the end Dad is always the most fun and the best wrestler:) "We're so glad when Daddy comes home!"

I am tagging: Emily, Erica, Megan K. and Mindy (make Aaron hold the babies-you better do this!).


Jill said...

Isn't this the best tag ever! I had so much fun reading yours. I laughed about the dish drainer.

The Bucks said...

Sounds to me like you do all the work and Tyler just gets to play. I'm sure that's not how it really is. Thanks for not being cheesey.

Nate & Emily said...

taggin! Ahh! I have never been tagged Katie! I'll give it a try, but have you seen my site. It is still a mess. we havent had time to put much together and I still need to change the background. I loved your tribute to Tyler! It was really fun to read.