Monday, August 25, 2008

TOU Half-Marathon

Megan and I before the race. It was so dang cold and we had to wait for 45 minutes up the canyon at 6:30am. And living in Clarkston I had to wake up at 4:50 to leave my house on time.

...And after. Lookin' pretty bad.

Saturday I ran in the Top of Utah Half Marathon and I wish I had my camera during the race so I could post pictures of all the interesting people I saw that day. But, as Tyler says, "You can't make fun of people when they can run that FAST!" So true, there were some very fast people there. I was pretty happy with my time, but I always wish I was faster. I finished in 1hour 50 min. and Tyler and his mom braved entertaining the kids for a good hour. Maybe next year the thought of that might help me go faster!!


Megan and Jon said...

You should be thrilled with your time. I would be thrilled to run that fast.. You rock.
ANd you look good before and after. Are there more in your future????
Tyler has no idea how many people there are that do not look in the mirrow before they leave to house, ones that dont' even bouce to see if things are falling out. I have to ask if you say the pink spandex lady with crack sweat, NOT GOOD.. Poor thing.

Jill said...

Good job girl!! I really can't believe you got up that early and ran that far. I don't think I'll ever accomplish that in my life time. Your awesome!!!!

Denise said...

Yay Katie! Rockin legs by the way, I had heard it through the grapevine that you legs were the sexiest on the block! Before and after you look great. I did a 5K over the weekend and didn't dare post my after picture, or my before for that matter and that was only 3 miles.

The Bucks said...

You really make me look even more lazy than I already am. Good job on your race. I can't believe you still have that shirt! You need to put Weston's newspaper picture on the blog.

Megan said...

Cute pictures!!! It is actually pretty ridiculous that you look that good after that far.