Monday, September 1, 2008

Weston's First Day of School

Last week was Weston's first day of Kindergarten! Now, as I have read some blogs and talked to people, a lot of Mom's out there are very saddened by the idea of their first child going to school, I, on the other hand am so excited. It may be the fact that I have plenty more children at home to keep me busy, or just the fact that he was sooooo ready to go. I asked him if he wanted me to drive him to school the first day and he said no, he wanted to ride the bus. Tyler asked if he could come up to the bus stop with us because he is sad that Weston is big enough to go to school. Weston didn't even notice us there though, as you will see in the pictures--they sure do grow up too fast.

He wouldn't walk with us up to the bus stop because he was either too excited, or embarrassed of us already!

His cousin Brant, and our neighbor.

Brant and Weston talking things over, you can see our shadows as we just stood there and watched him, he was an instant pro at the bus stop.

The kids running to catch the bus. Because of construction next to their stop they had to run up the road to get on the bus, so this is the best shot I got of him--not even a goodbye! This kid is ready to go to school.

5 hours later...
When he got home, he looked miserable as he got off the bus. The ride was extra long because it is the first day and because we live so far out here. So, he was on the bus for over an hour and a half, he was starving and "so bored" by the time he got home. He only wanted to go to school every other day. But, the next day was better on the bus and if I have lunch ready for him immediately when he gets home he is much happier. My mother-in-law tells me Tyler was the exact same way, grouchy until he was fed, and he even ate the same thing, 2 peanut butter sandwiches every day after Kindergarten.


Megan said...

I know it sounds stupid but I am totally jealous that you still have three kids at home when Weston is gone! Millie sleeps pretty much the whole time Miles is at preschool and I don't like not having my little kids around! That little guy can eat two sandwiches?!!

Denise said...

I'm guessing i'd fall into the sad category but who knows maybe by the time Ava is ready I'll be fine with it too. That bus ride is a killer!

D,H,&E Cooper said...

I can't believe your kids are so big, it seems like forever ago that I lived out there. I love seeing pics of Clarkston. I love your blog. Where did you go to get the cute template?

The Bucks said...

I probably would have cried, even if I was happy to see him go. I love that he is so hungry for such a skinny guy.

Jill said...

He looks so cute! I bet all the girls have a crush on him. I would. Isn't great to have them just run to the bus and be happy to go.

Megan and Jon said...

They can't be old enough they look so tiny. THe picture of them talking things over on the bus stop is going to be priceless, expecially with your shadows lurking.. SO DARLING...
We have been doing all the little 10K's around the valley you shoudl join us, Finish before us and wait at the end for us.. FUN.