Monday, November 10, 2008

99 and Going Strong...

Happy Birthday to my Grandma Ashcroft who turned 99 years old today. Until recently she lived through my backyard and over the bridge, she now lives with my aunt and uncle. She is a great example of love and compassion. I saw her almost every day of my entire life, we all used to fight over whose turn it was to "visit Grandma" every evening (even as teenagers). Visiting Grandma meant all the attention and something good to eat. She rarely got mad unless it was at my two older siblings every once in a while, "little shits". Her husband died before I was born, so she has been alone for a long time, but she did have us, probably more than she would have liked. I had a special rock called my "throne" in her flower bed that I would sit on while she weeded. She even saved my life once when I was very young and fell in the canal in her backyard. She always loved to tell that story in such detail and I loved hearing it. She taught me to crochet, she crocheted me the most beautiful Barbie clothes and played with me, I loved to watch ice skating and QVC with her. She always got down on the floor and played WITH us, and even when Paige was a baby I have pictures of her on the floor playing with her. She is so strong and has been through cancer more than once, and never complains. Her sight and hearing have declined but she still loves visitors and my kids love to perform in her "microphone", or hearing device. I remember sometimes as a child waking up and bawling because I thought she was old and I didn't know what I would do without her. The other night I told Paige she was going to be 99 and she began to cry and become worried that Grandma-Great was going to die, and she is her best Grandma with chocolate treats. I love this lady and look forward to celebrating a century next year!


laci said...

What a cute lady! Grandmas are seriously the best people around. I was actually thinking today about the grandmas that are around right now, and how they are all such good homemakers (COOKS) etc. and how in not too many years that will be a lost art. It made me a little worried to be quite honest. But anyways, Happy Birthday to your grandma. She sounds like such an amazing lady.

Jill said...

Oh that is the best. She sounds like such a fun person. Sounds kinda like Grandma Jayne.:) I'm so glad your kids can enjoy her as much as you have.

The Bucks said...

Way to make me cry! Maybe I should write down some memories before I forget. However, I don't have as many as you because I didn't have a thrown and was far from the favorite!

Amanda said...

Katie- I was so happy to see this post. I STILL have some of the hangers with the crocheted coverings hanging in my closet from Grandma Ashcroft. They are the best because the clothes don't slide off. I also remember the Barbie clothes and thinking how great they were. The other memory I have of her house was a big ice cream tub full of homemade taffy. Please tell her I said hello when you see her. Enjoyed the halloween posts too! Way to go with trick-or-treating. I want to move to Clarkston to raise my kids!