Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pet Peeves

I was reading my sister's blog, and lo and behold, my lack of blogging is on her pet peeves list. It is for her and only her that I do this:

(Mine also are in no particular order, this is a little harder for me because ever since I had 4 kids in five years, there aren't that many things that bug me. If you don't believe just come to my house after I get the kids in bed, how it looks is how it remains until morning, and I sleep just fine.)

1. I hate it when people pretend to ignore their children's bad behavior so they don't have discipline them.

2. Uncapitalized proper nouns drive me insane, I don't mind if other people like to leave their children's names uncapitalized in scrapbooks, but I just can't make myself do it. I think this comes from years of telling my students to CAPITALIZE!

3. Now I know a lot of you do this, but here is your chance to change(if you want to), Tyler let me in on this one that I had said wrong for years... you should say, "I couldn't care less" instead of "I could care less." Sorry, it will bug you now.

4. When I stay up late and then my children wake up, their cries go all way through me right down to my toes. Then I am mad at myself and think, why didn't I go to bed two hours ago so I could have at least got a few hours in.

5. When the driver (mainly Tyler) drives, and drives, and drives to find a park instead of just parking far away and walking, which would have been faster.

6. Yarn and teeth. Enough said.

7. Dry hands and feet snagging on my garments.

8. Nazi checkers at Wal-Mart who won't give me that extra fifty cents off my pop because, "blah, blah, blah", or maybe Wal-Mart checkers in general.

9. Lazy sales people who act like you are bothering them when you ask them to do something within their job description.

If you just thought of any of your own pet peeves while reading this, consider yourself tagged!


The Bucks said...

Just mentioning yarn and teeth makes me cringe and makes me teeth hurt. You should bring that up to Dr. Harris. Thank you for bringing to the public light the mistake of saying "I could care less". That has bugged me for years, thanks to the boys.

laci said...

I'm always trying to fight the "driving around for ages vs. just picking a spot" urge that Nate has too! It seriously kills me. The people that really get me are the ones are who still waiting for some mom with all her kids to load her groceries and children AFTER I've already parked and made it to the store entrance. That and Idaho drivers....

Jill said...

why did you even have to say yarn and teeth, even worse, yarn, teeth and braces!
I could care less! (tell Tyler)