Sunday, March 1, 2009

Temple Night, Hair Blogs, and Primary

My sister Tiffany went to the temple last weekend and Tyler was roping so I watched all the kids. It wasn't too bad since she bought little presents, (treats, popcorn, a movie) and wrapped them up, then the kids got to open them up every fifteen minutes. Aunt Tiffy thinks of everything. Time just flew by and Zella really wasn't that unhappy all night, but she does love to be held.

I recently discovered hair blogs, these are blogs dedicated solely to Mom's doing their daughters' gorgeous hair in creative and sometimes weird ways, but I love them. Here is the first experiment that I am rather proud of, Paige wore it to church today. Keep reading to find out how sassy it made her. Oh, and apparently she is the perfect height for singeing her hair on our propane wall heater, because she did it again tonight on one side and the braid saved us, except for one little spot.

Getting ready for church began with the hair, didn't take too long. Ahhh, but them came the dress, she wanted the pink one, but the only tights I could find were the ones that sag on the ankles(bad ugly) and I can't handle them. I told her I would get her some decent tights this week and today she would have to wear a green dress. Well, that wasn't the right answer, she HATES green apparently. You see in Primary if there is extra time they let the kids share "Good News", and she told me that today she was going to say that she hated green for her good news. Fine by me...little did I know what she would actually come up with. She got me back.
After church a Primary teacher told me to ask Paige what she shared about her dad. They were talking about Dad's and they asked Paige to come up and tell something she liked about her dad, here is what she shared, "My dad likes to fight with my mom." Nice! I got this from multiple adult sources so it is pretty accurate, and Weston told us that everybody laughed especially the teachers. I was not amused, and I told her that if she cannot share anything nice then she can't share anything in the microphone at all anymore. (This is not our first time being laughed at, and I am afraid our kids will start doing stand-up at our expense for a good laugh, it could get really embarrassing) I sent her to sit on her bed after church and I went up a little later to find her praying, she said, "Please help me to be nice to my family, and please help me to be a nice girl."
P.S. Honest, we do not fight that much.

Here's Owen tonight going to bed, he loves bedtime. No lie, he is holding six binkies and it gives me warm fuzzies. He loves them.


The Bucks said...

Xander would have had so much fun at your house opening presents and eating treats, so would I. Brant really looks a lot like Xander in that picture. I'm lovin' the twins' track suits!
Your awesome hair skills blow my mind. Seriously, I can't even look at it without getting a headache from trying to figure out how your even start something like that. I'm glad I'm having another boy.
Just remember that Paige gets her sassiness from you! I probably would have cried if I'd seen her praying like that.
Just one more reason that I think Owen should have been Xander's little brother, his love of binkies. He's holding on to them for dear life! Why does he have flowers on his bedsheet? Are you trying to give him a complex?
I should have broken this comment down into subjects so that you could be super popular with all of your comments!

camigodfrey said...

im so sorry, but that is hilarious(not true) but hilarious, i think im really glad that kennadee is too shy to go up to the microphone and share funny family secrets. and the six binkies is also funny.

laci said...

Paige's hair is awesome. I wish I had your hair-doing talent. Allie's was always so cute as well when you did it.

I love the sassy story! Maybe cause I can relate to Paige. I remember on more than one occasion getting the lecture on what kinds of things are appropriate to tell people. The favorite story is when we lived in Lewiston when I was 3 or so, and the Elders quorum president and his wife were babysitting me...well I proceeded to tell them my Dad liked to sing songs all the time. But he also liked to sing songs when he grabbed my mom's butt! I also included the song, but I don't think that's appropriate for even your private blog! ;) Sound like my dad or what?

angie curtis said...

Katie, don't feel too bad, we have had our fair share of embarrasing "Happy News". Gotta love the honesty of kids!

Nate & Emily said...

You are still the best hair braider around. Honestly! Why don't you start your own hair braid and sell ads. You'd be rich in a month!

Jill said...

It gives me warm fuzzies too, that Owie likes his binkies. Oh goodness that is a good post. Paigie, Paigie, Paigie. I'm just waiting for ALlie to say something like that. I LOVE that she was praying, how sweet is that?!! I'm glad she didn't wear ugly tights while telling about her Dad. ;) Oh and LOVE the hair! I really need to learn how to french braid. Do you think i could?

Tanna said...

I always can't wait for your new posts, they are so great. Cute Paige and the binkies are the greatest. I'm going to have to learn how to do hair like you, it looks fantastic.

Sara said...

Oh Katie! I about fell out of my chair laughing! Paige is too cute! Awesome job on the hair braiding, it looks great! That's another reason why I need to only have boys, I can't even make my own hair look presentable. Also, Hayden would be so jealous if he saw the picture of Owen, he misses his "bebes" so much and to tell you the truth, so do I, it was so much easier to convince him to go to sleep when he had a binki.

Megan and Jon said...

I have a whole list of hairblogs I will email you, I love them however have no hair talent and so I can't do them, JUST LOOK.

Can you give me some lessons, I want to french braid

Denise said...

I need help with Ava's hair. It's wild! I love what Paige said. I bet that made the primary teachers day! Wow! Six binkies! Where do you buy tights that don't bag at the ankles? I'm glad Ava's not fashion conscious yet. Can you send me some of those blogs?