Monday, August 17, 2009

Mutton' bustin'

Weston has been waiting for this moment to shine, and to win a trophy. Saturday night at the Rodeo he rode a pretty fast sheep and did pretty good. He got a trophy, but is ready to win the big one next year. Thanks to those who cheered from the stands, (I think it was you, Bekka), he really appreciated it since his mother was busy filming with one hand and squeezing Owen like an egg roll under the other arm because he wanted to go with his dad and Weston.
Just thought I'd include this. I don't know why I think kids asleep in high chairs/tables are so cute, but I love it. She woke up from the flash and was mad at me for two days-worth it.


The Bucks said...

Good job, Weston! I can't wait to see the big trophy that you win next year. That picture of Paige is so cute! I especially love the beer mug full of milk on her lunch tray.

Jill said...

I love Weston's shirt. So handsome.

Bekka Wallentine said...

haha i guess next year i'll cheer even louder so he'll get the big trophy! its always a lot more fun to watch the little kids that you know!

Megan said...

Mutton bustin seems the PERFECT activity for Weston! Millie was VERY excited to see a picture of Anna and she actually called her Anna!