Monday, August 3, 2009

Swim Lessons, Frogs, and Rope Burns

I took my kids to two sessions of swimming lessons this summer, they wish they could take all year long.

Allie, Weston, and Paige and........Anna, Owen, and Dallin= a lot of chasing around during swim lessons.

Weston and Paige went frog hunting with my brothers in Amalga and came home with...

He liked did she, and...

she thought she did.
The frogs were taken to the bottoms to live and we have even gone back to check on them and Weston can still find the big one, "Mr. Hoppy". I was told that Weston is the best frog catcher my brothers have ever seen.

Last but not least, a rather scary accident last week. Weston and friends were swinging each other on the rope swing in the front yard of my neighbors. It is in a huge tree and has a board on the bottom, then about 20 ft. of rope to pull it with, and boy does it go. Well, the kids decided to lay under the swing after they let go of the rope and Weston was on the end and when the rope came back somehow it did this. I was about 30 ft. away, but my back was turned so I didn't see it happen, but from the marks you can imagine how scary it was. Luckily, the swing broke the next day. His great-grandma told him that Heavenly Father protected him and that she prays for all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be protected every day. I think he was being looked out for.
A little girl at swimming lessons asked about it, he said, "It doesn't hurt anymore because it's protected with Bag Balm, you know it's that stuff in the green container, do you have any?


The Bucks said...

You should see about getting them into year round swim lessons. It's a good skill to have. Weston must have been awesome, because they caught way more frogs than we did. What did Owen think about them?
Xander says that "Weston's mommy needs to get a big band-aid and put it on his owie". I guess not everyone knows about the incredible healing power of utter ointment. I would be sick to my stomach every time I looked at his neck because I would think about what could have happened. Thank goodness for prayer!

Jill said...

oooooo gross frogs.

angie curtis said...

Poor guy, those are some nasty rope burns! I will have to get me some bag balm, it sounds like the wonder cream. Do you think it will prevent stretch marks?!

Nate & Emily said...
