Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Winners Are...

Okay, so the the winners are Megan and Megan. Now it's your turn to pay it forward and I will be sending you your prize in the mail! Sorry, I have been such a slacker on the blog, we are all alive and not on vacation anywhere. The babies are not walking yet, but are getting braver. Owen screams bloody murder if anyone leaves the house without him and they both stand at the front door and bawl to go outside. Weston also graduated from preschool a few weeks ago and just found out he has Miss Shelton for Kindergarten next year.


Niki said...

I was wondering when you were going to update. It is funny, Tailor and I will walk past your house all she wants to do is stop and play with your toys:) I tell her No because they are not ours and then she is usually fine (thank goodness) Time flies doesn't it!

Jill said...

Glad to see your still blogging. :) I love Owen's shorts. That's great he got Miss Shelton, isn't she the best?

Megan and Jon said...

YOU ARE ALIVE.. YES and I"m a winner, I never win..

Janette said...

Oakli is the same way, she'll stand at the door and scream to go out. She's figured out you have to turn the door knob to get out but thankfully she can't turn it yet. I'm in trouble when she figures that one out.

Denise said...

I haven't been in the mood to blog as much either. Isn't it nice that the weather is nicer so that the kids can play outside? So, question...I had a comment on my blog by Sara Atkinson and I was all excited and so I clicked on her link and it said her profile was private. Does this mean she has a blog or not? I know you used to go on walks with her, if you see her tell her to get a blog so I can comment back. I haven't talked to her forever. Her little boy must be at least a year old by now?