Sunday, September 7, 2008

Paige's Big Day

Paige has been ready for preschool since she was 2 years old. It is finally here and she couldn't be happier. She asks me every night if there is preschool tomorrow and she also prays that she will "be a good girl at preschool" every night. One Mom in town told her to sit by her son on the first day of preschool because he was a little shy. Well, she didn't forget and she made sure to sit by him so he wouldn't be scared. She is such a helpful girl, the babies and I sure do miss her when she is at school.

Paige and her cousin Kennadee. (Paige really struggles with looking at the camera if you haven't noticed.)

1 comment:

Jill said...

she looks so cute!!! I love the leggings. Her hair looks really cute too. I love how she sat by the boy at school. She is so nice. how come there are no pictures of her backpack???:)