Monday, October 20, 2008

Nothing much to post this week, except to show off the twins new matching church clothes. It is very hard to find matching things in boy and girl. I've got to try to dress them alike as long as they can have no say in the matter.

Hairstyling, what a good, drenched, sport.

Here's what Owen did with my best violet, I know, is there really a "best" violet? I might be the only person under the age of 70 that likes these things. While I was doing dishes he mutilated my favorite one, and then Paige said, "I'm sorry Mom, it was my fault. I forgot to push in my chair."


Jill said...

They are even cutier then I imagined it!! I love Anna's dress. Oh sweet Paige.

camigodfrey said...

i loved their clothes at church, they looked adorable. i love how paige took the blame, what a great big sister.

The Bucks said...

I love Anna's cheesey smile! Is she ever going to look like she fits in the family? They are so cute. By the way, I haven't even started Xander's costume, we just haven't done anything to blog about lately. I'm sorry to hear about your best violet. I know you have had those things forever and you have a very special bond.

Anonymous said...

The twins church outfits are wau cute!!! You have such cute kids.