Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A few of the twins' favorites...

These two are a whole different kind of handful lately. When they were born it was feeding and burping that kicked my butt, now it is knowing where they both are at all times and especially keeping track of them outside (where they prefer to be). When they do get into something, like markers, and I say "No, " it almost triggers a fast forward button in them and they both go faster and crazier at the mess they are making--needless to say, most days when they gang up on me like that I end up losing. But, two kisses are better than one and they are both very willing to give them. Here are some of their favorite things:


markers and messes,

tub time,

outside and swinging,

horses, horses, and Dad,

piano playing, especially if I'm giving a lesson,

last, but not least- the entertainment committee.


Jill said...

Those are some cute babies!! Allie said "I want a horse" um no. I can totally tell the picture of the 3 of them is in the morning.

The Bucks said...

We really miss seeing you guys more often. I'm sad that I have to wait until Tiff's baby is born to see you guys.

camigodfrey said...

those are great pictures, i love all the marker on anna's face. hunter loves riding the horse with troy also. i love the picture of owen kissing anna, way cute! the cousin party was a blast, i wish i had nights out like that more often.

Sara said...

What a fun post! I love seeing what little (or BIG) personalities those two have. And I have to agree with Cami, the kissing picture is too cute!