Friday, January 23, 2009

Is January Over Yet?

I hate January, it is when I realize there is still Christmas on the credit card, Tyler needs to do our taxes, the inversion sets in, and my treadmill is still dusty. Thank goodness for Netflix, that little red envelope makes my day. I just watched Jane Eyre from Masterpiece Theatre (PBS) last night, now I have to wait until Monday to see the second disc. It is killing me, and I just may read the book in the meantime, but probably not. I am posting this because I am tired of not having anything to post about so here are a few pictures from January.

Here's how Weston (along with Owen) had to look for days
after seeing High School Musical 3.


Jill said...

those are some stylin girls! I still love Paige's pose. My favorite thing by far, the picture of your TV and you're wearing a pink headband. you're hott.

The Bucks said...

Rock on Weston and Owen! Did you watch "Tess of the Durbervilles" on Masterpiece Theater? I cried my eyes out! I heard that you guys have had some nasty ice storms. You need to come up here, it has snowed about 7 inches today and is still going!

Megan and Jon said...

I have heard much about netflix and always think I should do it. Is it as easy as they make it sound?

Tanna said...

Love Netflix!!! Have you seen "Jon and Kate plus 8"? That's my sanity right now. I'll take 3 anyday. Bring on spring.

Marlaina said...

You need to come visit us in Vegas, then you will enjoy January. I just took the garbage out in my bare feet! Life is great! By the way, cute outfits.

Denise said...

I haven't seen Jane Eyre, but I watched Tess of the D'urbervilles too and it was tragic. I agree Netflix is a very good thing. I love the picture of Allie and Paige. Your kids are so cute.

Nate & Emily said...

Katie- It was so good to talk to you today. Send me your email (is it just your yahoo or do you have a gmail?) for my blog.

Megan said...

Weston and Owen look so cute in those bandanas! Why is there a picture of you on the tv with a headband on?!

camigodfrey said...

i love it, they look so cool! i'm excited to make our too-too's tomorrow. i wish i dared cut kennadee's hair like paige's she looks so sassy, i love it.

The Bucks said...

Okay, January is officially over, you can post something new now. While you're at it, give me a call, it's been a while. After all, we are sisters!

madikay9 said...

i love the too toos!!!