Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Big Trouble

They know they must not be in too much trouble if I grab the
camera before making them clean up the mess.

Here is what happens the day after you make an appointment for pictures. We were all on our bed upstairs with toys everywhere, Owen was laying down and we didn't notice Paige with the shape sorting bucket on her head. The next thing we knew it fell off her head while she was standing up and landed behind her, on Owen's eye, boy did he holler.

The night just kept getting more hectic and I got Owen dressed for bed without thinking. Isn't he a beauty? When they were teeny and I used to do this I would be so tired I would just leave it, but I did change him into his blue one after we had a good laugh, right along with him.


The Bucks said...

Poor little guy, he does look good in pink though. I thought it was Anna before I saw the battle wound.

Jill said...

I love that! I think he looks cute in pink. Its a good color for him. :)

Payne Family said...

katie- I am glad to hear that I am not the only one. I think Brody has a pink blanket around him everytime I turn around. At this point I grab the thing that is closest, I am sure you can relate. I visit your blog often to remind myself that it will get better. Keep blogging.

camigodfrey said...

You are such the right person to have twins, you are an awsome mom.

The Bucks said...

I like all the new embellishments. You are so techno savy now.

The Bucks said...

If you go to customize you can change the color of the top title bar. It's called the Navbar. I think there is one that will match your background pretty good.

Payne Family said...

It's always nice to hear that someone thinks I look calm on the outside:) I got the outfits at Old Navy. I bet they are on clearance now. I will hate it when they don't want to dress a like Not only is it easy to decide what each one should wear they look so dang cute.

Jill said...

I love the new music! I also really enjoyed looking at the pictures of you on Megan's blog. The fam. picture is the best. You look very cute on the scrapbook page. Was that this year?