Thursday, January 24, 2008

Doctor Visit

We went to the doctor today and got shots, I know that it isn't that exciting but people have been asking me how much they weigh and I never know. This way I won't have to remember.(And I kind of love posting, I have to control myself so you won't be too bored of us.)
Owen weighed 17 lbs. 11oz.-- 60%
Anna weighed 16 lbs. 14 oz.--70%
They were both in the 85% for their height. They are growing like weeds, fat weeds.


Jill said...

They look so big in this picture. You look great! I love your hair.

The Bucks said...

That is the cutest picture! Your hair looks very pretty and shiny. I see that you have the Johhny Jump-Up out. Do they like it?

The Bucks said...

Their leggs look very chubby!

camigodfrey said...

Katie, Your hair looks great, and your dress was way cute today.
Megan, could I please get an invite to your blog? I have heard it is really cute, and you update a lot so I would love to be able to view it.

Nate & Emily said...

Katie-I love your site! You inspire me! Maybe I'll work on ours the next week or so. Your kids are adorable!

The Bucks said...

Brandon added the interesting music to my playlist. I wasn't too thrilled about it either. If I take it off, I may hurt his feelings. I kept reminding him that Grandma and Grandpa Bankhead looked at our blog.