Sunday, July 20, 2008

Injuries of the Primary Sort

Have any of you ever had someone get you out of your church class because your child got injured? I think it only happens in Clarkston, or maybe just in Clarkston and to a child named Weston.
I was sitting in Senior Primary when I heard a loud cry outside in the hall. I handed Owen to a member of the Presidency and went out in the hall to assess the damage. It was Weston with a huge goose egg on his forehead and people around him gasping. This picture does not do the initial injury justice, but this is what happens when 5 year olds play duck, duck, goose, in a small room with chairs in the way and their heads meet the wall.


Jill said...

So that is huge! Way bigger than I had imagened. Why is he giving the peace sign is it so when he goes to church next week he can tell his teenage teacher peace please.

The Bucks said...

Impressive! You're lucky it didn't split open. You're also lucky it wasn't puke or pee that you had to clean up. Tell Weston I think he's tough stuff and that he looks like a real Gladiator!

camigodfrey said...

that picture dosen't do justice, that bump was huge! good thing he is tuff!

Denise said...

Yowza! I would have panicked. I'm not good with injuries of any sort. I always send Ava to Brigham when she gets hurt otherwise I just kind of lose my breath and freak out.

madikay9 said...

ow that looks like it hurts!

Megan and Jon said...

Only in clarkston, I wish my sunday school class played duck duck goose because I rock at that game.

angie curtis said...

I had Dave come look and this picture, even he said it looked way worse. Wouldn't it be nice if they had a teacher?! We need to do the park thing again before school starts, it was a nice break in the day.

Jill said...

Hey will you blog your blog book??? Mindy really wants to see it. (So sorry about the brownie.:))

Janette said...

Ouch! I can't imagine what it looks like if this picture does no justice, poor guy!