Friday, January 18, 2008

A Long, Cold Winter

Getting ready to go do chores with Dad, I'm glad these two will brave sub-zero temps because I am too wimpy to even go out and throw a bale to the horses. Tyler always gives me a hard time because I am so weak and I used to go feed cows all through the winter and loved it
--I am wimpy.
(I think Tyler is getting used to blogging because and maybe he secretly
likes it because he was willing to pose for once:)

Paige loves listening to my shuffle, she even tries to dance a little (emphasis on try).

We think she's pretty cute.


The Bucks said...

Her hair is so cute. I can't believe how much she looks and acts like you. Way to bust a move Paige and way to pose Tyler.

Jill said...

I love Paige in her farmer clothes. Those dance moves remind me of Forest Gump.
I really enjoy the picture of Ty & your cute kids. I'm glad you got him on "the blog" I know he really does like blogs. espically mine! :)

Jill said...

By the way I would never sacrifice the warmth of a house to go feed a donkey.

Megan and Jon said...

Paige is so cute, Her hair is so funny I can see her shuffling, that might even quality from the looks of it as the shumway shuffle, (ask Tiff to show you) ..